Friday, January 20, 2017

Introduction to A Simple Girl Living Life to the Fullest

My name is Dhruti Patel, I am a fifth year senior this year at the University of Oklahoma, and I hope to graduate in May. My major is Business Administration and Management. Eventually, I want to own and manage my own hotel.

I love anything related to India. I love especially Bollywood dance and the daily soap industry. When I was little, I dreamed of being a part of the daily soap industry. I love to listen to Hindi music: I have over three hundred downloaded songs on my phone, and I am constantly listening to and downloading more and more songs.

Did I do something exciting over winter break? Hmmm....let's see, I went  to Dallas to see family on New Year's Eve and got back in the evening of New Year's Day. When we got back, my dad said, "you guys left in 2016 and got back in 2017. Where have you been for a year?" It was quite funny!!

My hobbies include cooking and baking, playing badminton, and reading self-improvement books. I also like to mark things off my to-do list. I keep a list of things I need to search for, look up, or do when I am free from work and school, and I like to mark things off of that list. Seeing a long to-do list overwhelms me and drives me crazy.

My favorite food is a simple Gujarati meal. I like homemade food, especially stuff that my mother makes. Nothing beats food made by one's mother!

Me being me, if I had an extra day for fun, it would turn into work. For me, a lot of times, work is equal to fun, but I would certainly use that extra day to do things I want to do, rather do things I have to do.

Here I am!!
Source: (My Computer)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Dhruti! Its so nice to meet you! I think it is so cool that you want to go into the hotel industry. If you could open up your dream hotel in any place in the world, where would you choose? Bollywood is so amazing! One of my roommates lived in India for a few years and when she came back we would watch a lot of India inspired and produced movies! I love how vibrant and colorful all of those movies are! I am really excited to read your writing this semester and I look forward to seeing your love and knowledge of India shine through!!

    1. I eventually want to move to Dallas. I would agree: Bollywood is so glamorous and a place very unique! India is very vibrant! You should visit it once if you can!!

  3. Dhruti it is so nice to meet you! I really enjoyed getting to read about you. It is so awesome that you are interested in the hotel industry. My parents have always encouraged me to look into the hotel industry, I only think they tell me that though so they could travel and stay for free! I also love the colors in India, they are all so bright and vibrant. Bollywood dancing is also so interesting to me as well, I am a dancer and have always found Bollywood dance to be so exciting and beautiful.

  4. Hi Dhruti it is nice to meet you. I am also a fifth year senior and hope to graduate in May as well. I also love to bake, my favorite thing to make is apple pie. India has an interesting culture that I look forward to learning more about this semester. Best of luck to you for your last semester, hope it goes well for you!

  5. Hey there, Dhruti! It was fun reading through your introduction. You seem so passionate about what you want to do for your future! I love Indian foods even though I cannot stomach spicy foods, but they are great in this cold weather. I love the dance as well! I understand your feeling of crossing out something from your to-do list :D I also have a to-do list or calendar for each of my classes and it feels super satisfying or glorifying after I cross out something I have accomplished. Overall,I wish you the best of luck in your future as well as getting your own hotel to manage! You go girl!

  6. Hi Dhruti! I’m graduating in May too! Yay to the both of us! :D Since you want to open up a hotel, would you rather open on in India or here? I think it would be cool if your hotel becomes a famous tourist attraction in India. I love to mark things off my to-do list too! There’s just something really satisfying in doing it! I look forward to reading your stories this semester!

  7. Hello Dhruti. It was so fun to read your introduction blog. What made you decide to work in the hotel industry? Good question Phoi; where would you want to open your hotel? I read a few interesting things in your intro and have questions:

    1. What is badminton?
    2. What is Gujarati meal?

    Good luck with your studies and congratulations on graduating soon!

  8. Hi, Dhruti! To be honest, I had to Google a few things you mentioned in your introduction. For instance, I thought daily soaps were legitimate soap bars (like the ones you find in bathrooms), but I found out soon after soaps = soap operas in this case. Either way, your love for either one would've been pretty interesting to know about you! On another note, I also had to look up what a Gujarati meal, and it. looks. absolutely. DELICIOUS. I need to have a meal at some point! Anyway, I hope you have a fun rest of your senior year, especially your graduation!!!
